I have several domain names directed to this web page which i intend to use for various business ventures, however I currently don’t have the time to develop them all so I’m considering selling some of them. If you are interested in buying the domain name you are looking for today simply follow the instructions below and it can be yours in just a couple of hours time.
- Firstly message me with the domain name you want to buy today. You can keep it as simple as , is the domain name...........for sale and how much is it? simply use the blue message icon at the bottom right of your screen.
- I will then email you back the price. Once agreed I will send you a Paypal payment request. (or we can agree on a UK bank transfer).
- If Paypal put your payment on hold then i will only transfer the domain once the payment is cleared to me.
- Once the payment is received /cleared I will send you a Nominet transfer link allowing you to transfer the domain name to you.
- Or as most of my domain names are held at Godaddy.co.uk or Spaceship.com just open yourself a free account and i can simply push the domain name from my account to yours . You should have the domain in just a couple of hours.
- Im happy to provide my phone number etc upon request to genuine buyers. Any questions just ask.
- PLEASE NOTE: if for any reason you are not comfortable buying the domain name from me direct then I‘m happy to list it for sale on Godaddy.co.uk but you would have to pay the costs associated with this which equates to about 30% of the domain price plus it takes approximately 10-28 days to get the domain from them or if you buy from me now then its yours in a couple of hours!
- I'm based in London UK and generally available between 8am-9pm today.